Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year

We are starting our New Year out with a bang weather-wise. Snow is one of those things we don't see that much of here in western Washington.  And when it does come, it creates a lot of havoc since we don't have very many snowplows.  We like having it for a bit right around Christmas to put us in the mood but beyond that it is more of a nuisance than anything else.

New Years Eve was pretty quiet here at the Roller house.  Bill and I were on our own since Chris decided to go to a movie with a friend.  We got some Chinese takeout, watched a little TV and went to bed early.  New Years Day I watched the Rose Parade for the first time in a long time.  I used to watch it every year growing up but not so much anymore.  And I spent most of the day cooking--making pumpkin bread and pie and working on the turkey and dressing.  We didn't have turkey for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year and Bill wanted oyster dressing so we had it for New Years instead.

The weather on Friday and yesterday was really cold--especially with the wind chill--but sunny.  A pleasant change from the heavy rain we had been having all last month.  I took a walk yesterday and was uncomfortably cold the second half of it.  Was glad to get back home into the warmth.

Woke up to this snow this morning.  I was expecting that we would get some but not this much.  And we are expecting freezing rain and ice to follow up the snow.  I got Chris up early.  Today was the day to drive back to school.  The weather was such at that time that it was snowing here but not much further north of us.  If he had left early, he could have beat the storm as it moved north.  But he wanted to go to church so he got a later start than I was hoping for and will have snow most of the way back.  Bill and I went out for a bit to do an errand and pick up my computer from work--just in case I can't make it to work tomorrow.  It was pretty slick out there.

Bill and I are back to the quiet of our empty nest.  Always good to have the boys come home but always glad to have our new normal back too.  Hoping for a wonderful 2016 ahead.

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