Sunday, September 18, 2016

Base Ball: 1867 Style

Every summer, Vancouver has a couple of base ball games on the Vancouver Barracks Parade Ground.  What is interesting about the event is that the players dress in costume from that time period.  The Army team in their uniforms and the Occidentals in their wool base ball jerseys.  They also play by 1867 rules which are much different than today's rules including that they don't use gloves.

There is also a certain number of re-enactors that are also dressed in period costumes.  I have always wanted to go but we usually had something else going on the nights that the game was played.  And Bill didn't really have an interest in it so we just have never gone.  Bill traveled to California to see his brother's family so I was on my own the night of the game.  Perfect opportunity to go. 

It was a beautiful evening.  Not too hot.  I am sure it was still plenty hot in those wool uniforms, suits and long dresses and petticoats.  I am fairly certain that they appreciated that it wasn't even warmer though.

I decided to start my evening at the Grant House for dinner.  I had a lovely meal of calamari, summer salad with berries and a blueberry buckle that was out of this world.  Then I walked across the street to take in the game.  I didn't bring my chair.  Had to park too far away and didn't want to take it into the restaurant so I just decided to walk around and take photos for awhile.  I didn't stay too long.  About 45 minutes.  But long enough to take in the atmosphere.  One more event checked off my list.

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