Sunday, September 6, 2015

Tom and Maddy's Wedding Album

I have been spending almost two months working on a wedding album of Tom and Maddy's pictures.  I have been thrilled to work with so many wonderful photos of that beautiful day back in June.  I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoyed making the album.  Photo Credit:  Some of the photos were mine but most of the photos were taken by Teri Pieper and her husband--photographers in the Methow Valley.  They did a great job of capturing the day.

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  1. Fabulous album, Shannon! One of the best I've really showed off the theme of the wedding well. Looks like it was a beautiful day for you all!

  2. Wow, Shannon! You really outdid yourself - this will be a treasured keepsake! Looks like they had a fun wedding, too. Love that they went with a cowgirl & boy theme.
