Sunday, May 4, 2014

Once Upon a Time Prom

Bill and I went to Prom last night.  One of the Rotary clubs in town put it on and a few of our friends were going so we did too.  I didn't date in high school so I missed out on going to prom back in the day.  It was kind of fun thinking about the concept of going.  As one of my Army friends pointed out--I have been to plenty of military balls and other gala events over the past 30 years.  There is just something about "going to the prom" that resonated with me.

Originally I was going to just wear something that I already have in my closet but my co-workers convinced me to look for a dress at Goodwill--maybe even get something from the '70's.  No luck in finding a '70's costume but I did find a great dress for only $15.  Score!  I got lots of comments on how great I looked--even a "you look really hot" comment.  Kind of fun hearing that at my age.  And since I didn't have the experience in high school, I decided I wanted a corsage so I bought my corsage and a boutonniere for Bill.  Amazingly enough--the flowers cost more than double what I paid for my dress.  I had no idea that they were that expensive.  But it did make for fun photo opportunities.

We danced the night away with our friends.  Nelson Holmberg and Susanne Cox won prom king and queen for raising the most money for the Vancouver Police Activities League.  They had a "best dressed" contest of sorts.  Kim Hash and Warren Miller won the costume contest.  Literally a half hour before they came, a friend pulled out the baby blue tux with tails, ruffled tuxedo shirt and platform shoes for Warren to wear to the prom.  I think he was the only one who truly dressed to the era of his high school days and it was pretty cool.

I don't truly have a bucket list but if I did, going to prom would probably be on the list and now I can check it off.  And maybe I'll even go again next year.

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