Tom is in Washington on leave this week. He flew into Seattle Monday night and will leave on Sunday. His plan was to come home on Tuesday and spent just one night with us. I was consoling myself to the fact that it was only one night with the assumption that he would be able to come home for Christmas and I would be able to see more of him then. Monday night I found out that Maddy is flying to Pensacola for the holidays so it became obvious that he wasn't going to be coming home for Christmas after all. He doesn't have enough leave and it was pretty expensive to come here for this week. So I made an impromptu decision that Tuesday night was going to be his "Christmas" with us. Luckily--I had gone Christmas shopping for him on Saturday so I had his gift all prepared. He wanted Thai food since he hasn't been able to find a Thai restaurant in Pensacola and he opened his present from us--a new camera--so that he can take pictures of his adventures in the Air Force and so that I can scrapbook them. Totally selfish on my part but hopefully he will enjoy the ability to take pictures now too.

Christopher was really happy to see him. He has missed him being gone a lot. They faced off on some computer game most of the night.
Grandma was happy
as well as Mom and Dad. It was a really short visit but as always we love seeing our Air Force guy!
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