Sunday, August 5, 2012

Initial Flight Screening

Tom has been in Pueblo for almost two weeks now--learning to fly.  He doesn't have a camera so I have no pictures of him in his flight suit or with the plane that he did his "first dollar flight" in--but this is where he is for the next month.  I am definitely going to have to get that boy a camera for Christmas so that I can scrapbook all these new Air Force milestones.  DOSS--or DOSSowitz as Tom referred to it yesterday when I talked to him--is where all the Air Force pilots and navigators (and maybe other job categories) go to learn how to fly small aircraft.  The place that he is staying and going to school is right on the Pueblo Memorial Airport.  So they live, sleep, eat and breathe flying while they are there.  He passed his written exam and had his first flight instruction on Wednesday--which is called the "first dollar flight".  It was also the day that he got his first paycheck--so it was a big day for him.  I asked him if he gave his dollar to his instructor yet and he said he was going to do it on Monday.  He said he needed to spend some time decorating it.  Not sure what his plans were but he said that the ones that are on display are pretty elaborate so I guess they must try to outdo each other in the dollar department too.  He has a little more than two weeks left there and he has to be able to do a solo flight before he leaves.  So lots of exciting things going on in his life right now. 

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